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Zygor Guide 4.0.1

I find it an insult that you say it is a trial version. But then you are just showing you lack of intelligence. No this is not a trial version it is the full version. The addon only has leveling and hunters pets currently.

  1. Zygor Guide Free Download

If you knew what you are doing and clearly nowhere near it. You would know it is a full version. But due to your lackl of knowledge you maker accusation it is a trial when it is not.It has since worked fine.One of the days I was acquiring it it was only applying as trial version. Probably just got updated and fixed? It has only happened once for me./. I know what im doing decently well thanx./.


/. I know what im doing decently well thanx./Well if that is true then it would 'never' be a trial. Seeing no one else had that issue but you. So the problem is not the file but the person that is extracting it.Updated and fixed?

No for everyone else it has worked fine.If your saved variables are damaged it gives errors.If trying to extract a 'New' archive with hold software it gives errors.But you claim to know what you are doing and the 'only' one that had it as a trial.So that clearly indicated the file was not the issue at all. Because I can literally guarantee is would not be a trial.

GENERAL. Gearfinder: removed unnecessary data from DH and DK. Gearfinder: Fixed error that caused priest to be suggested non-cloth gear. Fixed astral recall trying to port to sw/orgri onlyLEVELINGH Fixed Winterspring (40-60) - Set next guide to Un'Goro Crater.PETS/MOUNTSAdded Lil' NefarianAdded Obsidian WorldbreakerACHIEVEMENTSA Added Stormpike Battle RamA Fixed Well Read - Fixed a typo on step 41.H Added Frostwolf SnarlerAdded Memories of Fel, Frost and FireAdded Alterac Valley of Olde. LEVELINGH Updated Twilight Highlands (84-90) - Continued updating and polishingUpdated Essential Empowerment - Added Azerite rank 70 questline.DAILIESFixed Stormsong Valley World Quests - Fixed a typo for the world quest 'Mine or Trouble.'


Zygor Guide Free Download

EVENTSUpdated Pilgrim's Bounty Quests - Updated totals for Stuffing and Pumpkin Pie.PROFESSIONSH Fixed Cooking 1-300 - Fixed improper location for Suja and the item ID for Boiled Clams.Please login or register to see this link. Direct DownloadPlease login or register to see this link.Please login or register to see this link.Please login or register to see this link.ClassicNovember 26th, 2019.

Quote:As we are all finding out, the actual Zygor Guide is not causing all the headaches with the latest patch, it's the issues with Cartographer and the way Blizzard has changed how the map works.What I did to get my waypoints working with my guide again (temporarily until Cartographer gets updated) was disabled Cartographer completely, added TomTom (which HAS been updated on WoWAce), and once inside the game, went to the Zygor Guides Options to the Waypoints and changed it to use TomTom for waypoints. Works like a charm and still enables you to use the new Blizzard map features, which I found to be SWEET! LOLAnyway, gl and hopefully ckknight will get a Cartographer update out soonThanks,Trixie1971official zygor forums.